Hanging Christmas or holiday lights can be frustrating and stressful, but it doesn't have to be. All you need is a strategy before you begin! Depending on how the gutters are laid out on your mobile home or how your roof is structured - you’ll have some options on how you can hang your lights well. We will skip on the nails and choose methods that won’t damage your gutters (but if nails are an option you like and know how to do - go with it!). Let’s look at some ways we can hang your lights without the struggle. First things first:
Before beginning the process, you want to be sure you know how long of an area you’ll be covering with lights, and you'll want to be sure you can reach an outlet without the lights hanging down the side (unless that's part of your look). Measuring the length with a measuring tape is way better idea than eyeballing it – don’t skip on this step. Make sure you also have enough lights to cover the area.
Check to be sure you have proper extension cords labeled for outdoor use.
Also, before putting lights up be sure your strands work, and no bulbs are missing or burnt out.
Next find a ladder and safely assemble it and get a friend or family member to be a spotter. Don’t have a ladder? Try an extender rod to help you hang your lights with ease and a little more safety.
Beyond this, think up your layout and where you’ll be putting your lights. Once you’ve checked on these things and have a layout plan, now you’re ready to consider how to hang your lights!
We hope that this helps you make the exterior of your mobile home look amazing! We hope this takes the stress and struggle out of decorating! Now here’s to making your home look festive!