If you’ve spent any time on our website then you’ve seen that we as VMFHOMES.com we categorize mobile home types as land and home and home only. While those titles are somewhat self-explanatory there are some details about them that may not be. So, I’m going to explain what each type is made up of and what you can expect from that property type.
A land and home option is just how it sounds – it’s a sale of the home and land together. This could be a home on a permanent foundation, but it doesn’t have to be, as it just depends on the specific listing. Some customers like this option because it can save you the step of coordinating the moving and placing of the home. It’s also usually move-in ready, too! No two land and home listings are the same. Acreage may also vary.
This can be a perfect option for someone looking for their forever home and to settle in with family!
Home only listings are typically on another piece of land and have to be legally moved to the land you plan to place the home on. Or the homes are located at a local home center.
Sometimes the home will be located in a mobile home community/ park. In these situations, it is typically up to the park and the property manager to decide if the home can be moved because there was most likely an existing agreement in place. Sometimes the park might work with the new owner and negotiate the terms under which the home may stay (or leave), but this really depends on each specific situation.
This can be a perfect option for someone with family land, land of their own, or someone with a flexible situation.
Understanding how we list these options can help you better navigate our site. I hope that this helps answer some of your questions and lets you know what to expect when you are searching for a Vanderbilt preowned home. Please let us know if you have further questions or need clarification on a specific home.